
Showing posts from April, 2020


Afghanistan Afghanistan is a country in South and center of Asia sharing border with Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. A land known for Honor and Dignity! A land which has never been conquered! Full of passionate people who can die for their land anytime and will fight against anyone who dares to have an evil eye on their beautiful mother land! The land of Pukhtoons! We all know about the mighty history of Afghanistan there have been kings and fighters who has served their land and Islam astonishingly well. King Ahmad Shah Durrani the founder of the country Afghanistan the person who brought Afghanistan into shape known for his bravery his dignity and humbleness a generous and pious man. There have been many leaders brought up in Afghanistan who proved themselves as the icon of bravery and proved their sanctity. This beautiful land and it's people has got a history which screams for their decency and shouts for their honor. Sadly t...


Extremism As I mentioned before "extremism" is the excessive need of something and by excessive it means that the desire of something more than it's requirement. Islam speaks for moderation in every act. In Pakistan extremism is found in almost every field of life e.g Politics, Business, Media and Religion. What actually needs to be understood is that to keep moderation in whatever you do as per sayings of Islam, extremism in anything is never encouraged there has been some ground rules set for definitive occasions by Islam. BUT! In Pakistan the major extremism is based on Religion! Where people loses their sense of speculation and can not tolerate the opinion of a different person. Pakistan has got a lot of issues regarding religion, A difference in opinion is never tolerated and nobody never tries to solve the particular problem. Religion is all about peace but in Pakistan chaos is always created because of religion! The Monks Mullahs Priests all of th...

The Disease Update 3

The Disease Corona virus (Covid-19) All around the world the chaos is still there lock-downs in every country everybody is suffering and going through very difficult time. Looking at the current situation of Pakistan dealing with the Corona Virus it does not look so good and our politicians are quoting that we are dealing with the virus much better than the others and situation here is quite in control, my question is HOW? Taking a look at the figures it is increasing in the matter of hours 9000+ cases have been reported so far 190+ have died (RIP) how are the situation in control? No doubt our people are not cooperating and they're still very non-serous about the matter and making hilarious assumptions about the spread of this virus which is proving nothing else but the rate of illiteracy in our country. And just like our people the govt is out of sight what should we do and how! The situation in Pakistan could have been controlled much easily if precautionary steps were...

The Religious Mafia

The Religious Mafia In countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Srilanka there are a lot of people who are the victims of extremism, Extremism is the desire of excessive need of something which should be kept in some limits it is some how certainly related to feelings when one individual feel the excessive closeness of his/her heart to something he/she loves. In Pakistan as far as I've noticed people do not follow the religion but they are always there to support excessively something that is not even told to do that way. ISLAM is a religion of peace love and care Islam teaches peace and brotherhood which infect is never followed by the people and Islam has taught us to avoid violence which our people love to prefer. There are millions of examples on which discussions could be held but we will discuss one from the current affairs as we know the world is occupied dangerously by the CORONA VIRUS! govt's of all around the globe are requesti...

The Disease Update 2

The Disease Corona Virus (Covid-19) As i said in my last two posts corona virus is dangerous but not when you show responsibility and be protectionist but here in Pakistan there are people who are still not taking it seriously and mocking the one does. The virus is spreading faster day by day as now today in Pakistan the number of infected people has recorded to 5011 patients in which 86 have died (RIP) and 762 have recovered (Alhamdulillah) but the black cloud of danger is still upon our head and we need to look after our selves before it takes upon us like the other countries. Global conditions (Covid-19) as we are talking about corona virus i wanted to give an overview of the global situation of the virus how they are dealing with it. Overall states: Total cases: 1,780,318 Total deaths: 108,828 Total recovered: 404,031 USA: 532,879 Italy: 152,271 Spain:  163,027 France: 129,654 UK: 78,991 Afghanistan: 555 This is the current situation of the wo...

The Disease Update 1

The Disease Corona virus  As we all know Corona Virus is still emerging an alarming situation in Pakistan but unlike other countries USA Italy France Spain China and Iran Pakistan is still having much control on the virus but yet somehow the people of Pakistan are still very non-serious about the pandemic and are taking it very lightly when it is obvious that this virus is dangerous. Total cases: 4,788 , Total deaths: 71 , Total recovered: 762 , Active cases: 3955. It is very necessary for the people to be serious and stay at home wash hands wear mask and gloves because of these precautionary steps one can protect themselves from getting infected and can save others from getting infected because this virus only gets stronger by getting a human medium otherwise it stays in the air and dies after 48 hours. In my personal opinion the lock down is not effective as nobody is taking it serious and not following the precautions because our society is very backwards when it...

The Disease

The Disease Corona Virus (Covid-19)  The disease that has taken the entire globe under it's prison and locked the whole world down making humans understand what it feels like to be in a zoo. This disease can be dangerous more then one can ever expect if the person does not show the manner of being a responsible human being, they can easily help the disease spread like the winds of autumn. This disease is know as the Corona Virus (Covid-19) It is quite simple that this disease spreads through human medium the germs of this virus searches for a host body and the more it gets the hosts the strong it gets by the time it reaches a large quantity as per sayings of the specialists this virus survives in the air for 42 hours and dies when not entertained by any host body. The sources of the spread are human body interaction between one another e.g handshake (Infected), cough (Infected), sneeze (Infected), and when the host touches it's face the virus automatically infects it...