

As I mentioned before "extremism" is the excessive need of something and by excessive it means that the desire of something more than it's requirement. Islam speaks for moderation in every act.

In Pakistan extremism is found in almost every field of life e.g Politics, Business, Media and Religion. What actually needs to be understood is that to keep moderation in whatever you do as per sayings of Islam, extremism in anything is never encouraged there has been some ground rules set for definitive occasions by Islam.
In Pakistan the major extremism is based on Religion! Where people loses their sense of speculation and can not tolerate the opinion of a different person.

Pakistan has got a lot of issues regarding religion, A difference in opinion is never tolerated and nobody never tries to solve the particular problem.

Religion is all about peace but in Pakistan chaos is always created because of religion! The Monks Mullahs Priests all of them are the same all of them are misguiding their followers for their own beneficial purposes and our people are hypnotized enough to follow them believe in whatever they say and do not study for themselves which leads them to extremism.

Extremism has been seen the most in Pakistan between Shia and Sunni community, the hate between both communities is inexplicable while in both communities there are people who do not think the same they respect each other's opinion and live peacefully but as we know the chaos is always created by the religious figures (Mullahs, Imams) the problem with our people is that they don't think they don't know what religion has brought up for them on how to spend a peaceful life.

Extremism is here found in every cast and if someone speaks for peace and moderation the person is tagged as the agent of opposite party.

This particular issue is raised by the public figures of the religion and this issue can only be solved by them they have to bring peace to the country we can not grow or develop if we are divided we need to become a nation if we want to become a power, and obviously respectability should be the first priority for every person of any religion and cast.
The Religious Mafia
Hamza Khan Durrani. 


  1. Finally someone Explained this topic properly

  2. Read the book "Essentials of International Relations" by Karen A. Mingst to get to the roots of such issues in the light of basic theories.. It will help a lot In Sha Allah


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