The Religious Mafia

The Religious Mafia

In countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Srilanka there are a lot of people who are the victims of extremism, Extremism is the desire of excessive need of something which should be kept in some limits it is some how certainly related to feelings when one individual feel the excessive closeness of his/her heart to something he/she loves.

In Pakistan as far as I've noticed people do not follow the religion but they are always there to support excessively something that is not even told to do that way. ISLAM is a religion of peace love and care Islam teaches peace and brotherhood which infect is never followed by the people and Islam has taught us to avoid violence which our people love to prefer.

There are millions of examples on which discussions could be held but we will discuss one from the current affairs as we know the world is occupied dangerously by the CORONA VIRUS! govt's of all around the globe are requesting to their people to stay at home because this virus spreads with human interaction and those countries which did not followed these precautionary guide lines are extremely suffering we are lucky so far that Pakistan is trying to get control over this pandemic but disappointingly our Religious group is having ego problems because govt suggested to pray at home for your own safety and to keep others safe as well as we all know Saudi Arabia has closed the Great Kaba Shareef due to this pandemic for the safety of their people but our Pakistani society has got their own insecurities i question there Mullahs and Muftis that if those to whom you are suggesting to come and pray at Masjid if one of them is infected with this Virus and infects the rest of the gathering as well will you take the responsibility of the deaths occurring in that set of people? No they won't they'll simply tag him a "SHAHEED" and that's it, they don't care whatever happens to the people they've to keep their egos alive.

They should be the ones who should guide people to stay at home stay safe and keep others safe because this society is most listened society of Pakistan and among every Muslim state they are the strongest society but they are forcing people to come out taunting them calling them cowards and telling them that your (faith is weak). This is how it's done in Pakistan, Political Mafias, Business Mafias and Forces Mafia is no dangerous as compared to Religious Mafia because people are easily hypnotized by the negative Mullahs and Muftis and one thing to be remembered that it's not stated that all of them are the same there are many Mullahs and Muftis who guide people to the right path and tell them to do the right thing at the right situation but now a days majority is turning negative and it's obligatory to spread the message of awareness because awareness is the right of every human! May Allah the almighty protects us all from this pandemic!

Awareness for everyone! Stay home Stay safe!
Common sense is something to use people! 
 (The D comment) Hamza Durrani


  1. Good post regarding extremism .I appreciate 👏May Allah Help us. Stay safe stay home .

  2. A bitter truth.... You just stole the moment.... Good wishes to you ahead


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