Internet occupying the world! Internet has occupied almost the entire globe and it has both positive and negative effects over life. It depends on us how we maintain ourselves in this field and how we manage to use internet in a positive manner or in a negative manner. Negative effects? There are a bunch of negative activities taking place on the internet a lot of people don't know and sometimes don't believe because it has never happened to them practically. Inappropriate videos pictures and other stuff getting leaked out and is spread on the internet we share everything with everyone on the internet but we have no idea how and who is looking at it one might wonder. The actual viewer you think is viewing the subject is not the only one, and when the subject gets leaked out its officially being viewed everywhere near you. There are inappropriate dealings being done on the internet via dark web regarding which a lot of people are not aware of. Stuff like heavy guns and drugs are...
Inflation. Inflation and its effect over our society. The word inflation that we hear pretty obsessively these days is used basically when a state is financially unstable and loses control over the momentum of progress. This mainly affects the inadequate of society, and by inadequate means, a family that is unable to generate enough income to feed themselves, falling below the line of affordability when escalates in a state the growth and momentum of the state are deeply affected. Inflation in Pakistan. In Pakistan, inflation has never been tackled accordingly to overcome the financial affair to provide relief to the poverty stricken people. Currently, Pakistan is facing a record elevation of inflation, affecting the destitute poverty stricken people. Pakistan and its affairs The cost of almost every good is touching new heights of gain; meanwhile up till now, NO solution has been either thought of or introduced regarding the matter. How and Why a state reac...
Football and its destruction! Football in Pakistan has always been a victim of corruption and no step for the betterment of the sport has ever been taken by any of the management sitting in their huge offices taking heavy salaries and working nothing, They are supposed to work for this game and bring quality changes in it so that we could compete with international standards of football but in fact there are no proper coaching staff available for the young and passionate players and even those who are available are not even close to be called as coaches there are a few who work hard to bring out talent and work for the betterment of this game but the majority of the staff is not qualified to be called as a coach! And Those who actually work hard to train the players teach them the basics of the game and try to make a competitive team of players who deserves to be encouraged and given a chance to prove themselves such coaches are always pushed back and are never allowed to do anything b...
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