

Inflation and its effect over our society.

The word inflation that we hear pretty obsessively these days is used basically when a state is financially unstable and loses control over the momentum of progress.

This mainly affects the inadequate of society, and by inadequate means, a family that is unable to generate enough income to feed themselves, falling below the line of affordability when escalates in a state the growth and momentum of the state are deeply affected.

Inflation in Pakistan.

In Pakistan, inflation has never been tackled accordingly to overcome the financial affair to provide relief to the poverty stricken people.

Currently, Pakistan is facing a record elevation of inflation, affecting the destitute poverty stricken people.
Pakistan and its affairs
The cost of almost every good is touching new heights of gain; meanwhile up till now, NO solution has been either thought of or introduced regarding the matter.  

How and Why a state reaches such stage?

When a state is in significant financial crisis, and folks fall below the line of poverty, it actually has several reasons and causes, but when it comes to Pakistan, experts and analysts have given up on the govt.

The current situation in Pakistan proves the incompetence of the govt that has come into power.

A system works only when it is given time and is not interrupted; when a govt initiates a project to tackle e.g., inflation or any other matter of the state to provide better health to the economy and repair the damaged sections of the state it is a known fact that it takes time because no seed can grow into a plant over a night.

Who is suffering?

Amid these conditions, only the poverty stricken community is poorly affected and is constantly suffering the explosive and boisterous behavior of prices.

What disturbs the most is that the ratio of poverty is increasing day by day, The people that belong to middle class (earns enough to provide food and shelter to their family) are being dragged into the black hole of inflation.

They're falling and the ratio of affordability is losing its numbers.
The prices increases when currency loses its value that costs inflation.

Increase in inflation is a road towards inflation.


Unemployment is one of the major causes of inflation. When there is no source of income and a family is constantly running on loans and debts, it reaches the end of bankruptcy.

When the number of unemployment increases in a country it automatically hits its road towards inflation because the economy is affected with the less number of people working and generating income, and it creates a decrease in Tax as well which is a loss to the govt.

What needs to be done?

To put a full stop to increasing inflation, govt needs to take some steps that will be very decisive for Pakistan and the future of its people.

  • Govt, need to be extremely careful regarding their spending of the state money.
  • Provide budget to every department with justice and its importance with equality.
  • Search for opportunities to purchase cheaper goods with good quality.
  • Try to collect a healthy amount of TAX but impose keeping the condition of the people and ratio of poverty in mind.
  • Try to create opportunities of employment for people so that they can generate income.
  • Corruption should be extremely avoided and punished.
A good plan and its implementation are what Pakistan needs right now. No loan or no support is required of anyone. Just some honest and loyal rulers are needed.

Hamza Khan Durrani.


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