Mood Swings & Depression.


Depression is something the world is familiar with but won't respond against it, Depression is as dangerous as cancer or drugs it causes slow and painful death. A human body has got some levels of tolerance on the bases of which it can digest standard depression but some people are weak emotionally and they give up!
There are many reasons of getting caught up in the state of depression:
  • Hopeless Outlook
  • Lost Interest
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability in men
  • Appetite changes
  • Emotions
  • Suicidal thoughts
These were some basic reasons why depression can hit you and there are much more than that! Depression can also be conceded by cheating, break up, failure and rejection well these are also some regular reasons actually depression is now regular in our society so every reason is basic and regular.

The problem is that we do not have any precautions any curing steps against depression, In the society it is not even taken seriously. We need to provide legitimately proper therapies for people victims of depression.


Failures, loneliness and rejections etc. causes anxiety in people and it is as dangerous as depression because it leads a person to depression. Stress is one of the major causes of anxiety and if stress isn't released it can cause serious damage.

Stress can be released by several ways a good conversation, SEX, massages & in severe cases medications.

Mood Swings and Depression

Mood swings is not something to be proud of having and not something to not worry about because mood swings can be the reason of many disasters in one's life. It can damage your personal life, dating life, marital life and even religious life, Because you can not control the actions once they're done and a sudden mood swing can damage you into your core.

Depression can be one of the basic reasons of mood swings because when you are upset and lonely and feeling depressed you do stupid things and that has got no criteria, Stupidity has got no limitations. Even the most tolerant person will also get damaged by each of the above mentioned syndromes.

A chart that shows how the cycle works and grows and the mood chart shows that how a mood swing feels like. We all might think of all these some normal small issues of daily life and because of the pressure of responsibilities of family and work but these are not small ignorable issues but in fact issues that can even kill you and if we do not take it seriously it will kill you.

We all have to look after each other because these contaminations has got no face or symptoms it bases upon emotions and if I hurt someone or damage someone emotionally by any means then no doubt I am responsible for whatever he ends up doing.
Be Matures be careful because your tongue is the most strongest weapon, Even you can save someone with it or can even kill as well.

Hamza Khan Durrani 


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