Kashmir seeks attention

Kashmir Seeks Attention!

'Since 1945 Kashmir is stuck in a controversy. Both Pakistan and India claims Kashmir to be a part of their country but non of them is willing to sort out the issue both of them are just gambling over the matter for political benefits.

Every govt in Pakistan screams the same slogan every year that we will free Kashmir and will fight for the rights of Kashmir but in the end what they do is just to go and start weeping about Indian activities in Kashmir at the United Nations platform.

We have seen a lot! Politicians claiming themselves as the best choices, Army encouraging themselves for doing a lot for Kashmir while we do not see any progress Kashmir is still under curfew under the cruelty of Indian army.

Recently we saw Indian army burning houses in Neelam Valley people of Kashmir losing their relatives their lives their houses they're losing everything for what? They aren't even left with peace inside their houses!
Kashmir Neelam Valley
People of Kashmir died during Indian invasion and Indian terror activities. People of Kashmir died during the cross fire of Pakistan and India I see a lot of people claiming that the people of Kashmir chose this life for themselves for backing both India and Pakistan within their benefits but the point is that if this is even true or false that's another debate but if it's true then people make mistakes and they pay for it but this is too much Kashmiris are being assassinated badly they are ending their generation!

As Muslims this is our duty to support and protect our Kashmiri brothers and sisters!

We have had enough with United Nations we have had enough with the United States and European Union asking for help and support from theses people who aren't even taking the matter seriously they don't care how many Muslims die! When our Muslim brother country Saudi Arabia is not serious on Kashmir issue what else do we expect from the west?

We need to step up ourselves ! Our Army is one of the best army in the world and they need to step up for the rights of Kashmir and for the sake of humanity. Humanity is being assassinated in Kashmir!

United Nations speaks for peace and says no to violence in the world but when United States attacked Iraq they were napping! When Russia and States attacked Afghanistan they were napping! When Israel continuously murders Muslims in Palestine and Google removed Palestine from Google Maps United Nations were napping! United Nation wakes up when Muslims makes a move against the cruelty then they start talking about humanity!
We would either die seeking help from United Nations and United States or we would lift ourselves and change the scenarios for our selves!!

#CongratulationsJoeBadin #NeedmorebombsPlease!
#ShameonUnitedNations #ShameOnUnitedStates 

Hamza Khan Durrani.


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