Corona Virus 2.0

The Return of Corona!

In the next month it is going to be a one year anniversary of Corona Virus Pandemic. December 2019 when the virus started spreading out in China and then in 2020 it changed its route towards the entire world!
In Pakistan it was discovered in the mid of February and the lock down was imposed in March 2020. In the start of August the lock down was exposed it took nearly five months in Pakistan to control the pandemic situation but it did cost a lot to the people of Pakistan and specially the poor.
In August the intensity of the virus was quite under control the cases per day were reducing and people were recovering but now after almost two months the intensity of the virus is hiking to a peak once again and there is a slight chance of the imposition of another lock down.

One thing is sure that the VIRUS EXISTS! It's not a game or some political drama. The question is that from where this virus is making progress and who is the mastermind of this game?

Spooky Clues:

What I don't understand is that Corona Virus is only there where there is no political activity. Corona virus hunts in Schools Collages and Sports Complexes. But when there is a political gathering or election campaigns taking place throughout the country there is no Virus hunting there and even the SOPs are not followed as well which is quite shocking and confusing.

Religious gatherings:

The Virus has been spotted the most in Masjids because the secular community of Pakistan and most of the Political community were against the practices being held at the masjids and all of them were forcing people to stay at home and not visit masjid meanwhile on the other hand this rule was not being implemented on the other religious communities' nobody's trying to spread hate over here but it's just the matter of responsibility the govt has shown towards the common community of this country and yet some people in Pakistan complains that minority is not being taken care of!
It should be in a way where all the citizens of the country were requested to follow the SOP's and not to force one community to stay at home and let the others roam around.

Political game cracks:

There has been some assumptions regarding this pandemic in Pakistan saying the govt happily introduced this virus in Pakistan for several financial reasons and the intensity of this virus is not as huge as they portray on our television screens!

Examination of Covid Tests:

The Covid-19 testing procedure is something beyond logic because there have been patients in hospitals who were tested negative despite having the symptoms and there were also patients who had no symptoms but they were tested positive the doctors explains it with being symptomatic and Asymptomatic philosophy and the virus exists in the body but depends on the strength of a person's immune system. But also there is no reliability or assurance of the test being completely accurate.

End conclusion:

The entire scenario is a question and a mystery for the world but we will definitely learn everything after a few years when the game for which this entire scenario has been arranged will end and the purposes will be achieved.

May Allah Almighty keep every human being safe and healthy because there is nothing more valuable then humanity. Stay blessed everyone!

Hamza Khan Durrani. 


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