Pakistan and its Law and Orders

Judiciary of Pakistan and their ways of serving Justice!

In Pakistan we have already seen more than enough anecdotes and cases where the court has turned out to be extremely impoverished in their judgment and now the malfeasance in the system has even developed more because now even a CCTV Camera footage is not enough to prove that a criminal is guilty!

Justice in Pakistan is like an inconceivable preference because here the phrase "Money Talks" proves its self much better than anywhere else!

In Pakistan what i have noticed is that the court is totally dependent on nepotism and discrimination on the bases of the class of the person visiting the court and justice is served depending on who the person is!

A former MPA of Pukhtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party Majeed Achakzai hits a traffic police warden who was performing his duty and was killed by the former MPA while he was drunk and driving and he was released by the court with all respect despite of having solid proves of him killing the police warden but our extremely talented court system states that the footage is not enough to prove the crime I don't understand what else do they want to make sure he was the criminal?

What I understand is that the court wants to be taken back in the past and the judge would like to see a live replay of that crime scene and then he would serve justice or what is clear that he needed money to feed his poor family because in Pakistan you can easily buy justice and law if you're rich and are related to any political party!

CCTV Photage of that incident 
 In this footage one can clearly see what has   happened the car came on straight hitting the police   warden while he was making road clear for the   traffic to cross and despite of that stop signal the   MPA's car came and hits him from behind and   crushed him what else do the court wants to see to   tag the criminal MPA guilty? Is this what our justice   is   now? Bailing the corrupt and punishing the   innocent? We need to question our departments we   need the question the courts! We are the citizens of   this country and we have the right to ask! We can not let this culture develop more than it already has.
This case was filed in 2017 and in three long years our court was unable to provide justice with such solid proves this is actually humiliating for the system of judgment and courts! Where such cases take three years and after such long duration they acquit the criminal with respect! Hats off to the courts of Pakistan!
Pakistan Zindabad!

Hamza Khan Durrani! 


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