
 What is Depression?

Depression is a state of mind where the person moves when he feels lonely and sad because of several reasons. Depression is an illness it kills and it has killed a lot of people.
In our society we've seen a lot of people mocking the one boy of a group because he does not speak too much and is always alone he does not share and smile to everything they say, There are some people who laugh a lot interact a lot in spite of being in the state of heavy depression!
Depression has got several kinds and states depending on the condition some people are just born with it and some people get it because of various uncommon events taking place in their lives!
In our country depression is the least important and noticeable disease ever most of the people who would tell you that they are depressed would rather be seeking attention and that's a different kind of phobia but with whom it actually concerns will never ever bother discussing it with anyone because they would not wanna get mocked by others for something that is killing them!
Being very irresponsible and dumb is the favorite activity of the people of Pakistan they would take the matter seriously when it comes to its last stage and they would cry and shout but won't take action in its earlier stages and would buy regrets for free.

Depression hitting & How?

Depression has got no actual time of hitting hard it can hit you according to the state your brain is in at the moment, if you're having aggressive feelings depression will hit you accordingly if you're having feelings of sorrow it'll hit you rather differently every kind of depression is well explained by many scholars who has studies this disease and has brought up some solutions for it but in my head depression has got no such cure as the doctors and therapists suggest because i think it depends on the will power of a person and the tolerance of his brain and heart because if i can control myself hard enough and make myself strong enough to have a belief in my head that i can live and live with peace no matter what the situation is i can beat depression and not just depression but also failure which is also one the major reasons of depression hitting you.

Modern reasons of depression?

With my personal experience I've seen people going into heavy depression with the most major reason is getting cheated on being left up for someone else, getting rejected by your loved one! Love is one of the most highlighted reason of people going into depression.
The second will be no doubt failure, failure at work at school collage university, with getting low grades and the fear of family a lot of young boys and girls have fallen into the hands of depression.
The third reason why people fall into depression is getting mocked fooled or harassed by someone.

With all the discussion on my personal experience about depression i can say that depression is the most dangerous disease because you can't see it feel it test it or do anything but you can't find out someone is depressed because its something that could be found out by counseling giving company to the victim and with taking care of them.

Take care of yourself your life is important your parents did not give you birth so you can kill yourself for nothing your mother didn't tolerate that pain to watch you die so take care of yourself never give up and stay strong!

Hamza Khan Durrani, 


  1. True nowadays every person have depression due to different problems in their lives. Unfortunately in Pakistan people hesitate to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist because people will think that he or she has mental problem. You discussed an important issue ����


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