Football and Pakistan

Football in Pakistan

Football in Pakistan is the most neglected game by the authorities and by authorities I mean the govt. corruption in our country is like corona virus it spreads through people very easily and it has got no vaccine. Football a game that is played by the entire globe and is the most famous and beautiful game that has ever been introduced to the people is neglected by our country. A country can not make progress only by providing good education to make progress country has to promote sports and not just one game but have to promote every sports because talent is not found in only one sport but every individual has got their own talent in their own game.

Favoritism and unfair selections!

The problem football in Pakistan faces is that our organizations has got so much favoritism that every team consists of players that are related to the staff and management. Talent is neglected and relationships are being developed between staff, management and players.
Trails in Pakistan are just a waste of time for those players who do not have any approach meanwhile talent is being neglected and referred players are being selected even if they do not know how to play the game, jerseys and a pair of shoes is their trophy. This is our system and with such mentalities we expect to make progress.

Facilities and Coaching!

Lack of facilities is one of the major issues in Pakistan that effects a lot of players and their careers, good coaching staff and training facilities are not provided because Pakistan lacks quality, encouragement, appreciation these are just words used in theoretical training and not implemented on the pitch, rough language and contemptuous behavior of senior players with juniors. Such issues existing in our country regarding sports would not help in making any progress.

What do we need to bring a change in this system?

  • First of all we need grounds and turfs because good quality football requires good facilities and good pitches just like cricket.
  • Futsal and Football both should be given equal priority.
  • Good coaching staff and disciplined management should be brought.
  • Club level football should be given priority, tournaments should be arranged for the encouragement of players.
  • There should be a proper audit of every tournament conducted by the organizations.
  • Favoritism and approach should never intervene.
  • Proper academies should be introduced for young players.
These are some basics we need to develop to make progress and bringing change in our corrupt system our entire batches are corrupt! A huge revolution in the federation can only bring such progress and quality to this beautiful game.

Hamza Khan Durrani.


  1. Govt must provide facilities to football player as they are doing to cricket players.There should be fair selection of player based on performance and talent.

    1. True! And equal importance should be given to football as it is the most played game in the world!


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