
Feminism and the difference

What is feminism? and how does it works?

Feminism is a movement all around the globe followed by mostly women the basic purpose of the cause is to get women rights equal to men for example working freely in every environment, travel around without having any fear of harassment and getting a life as good and strong as men, But what happens in Pakistan is that feminism has become a platform a liberal community and they are using it not accordingly.

Women must get the rights they deserve there are bundles of cases where I've seen women being treated as animals they're being harassed, killed for honor, burned by the husband/brother a lot of inhuman things happens to women all around the world, women are considered as lower than men in morals.

Because of the consequent reasons women stepped out and lifted their voice to get the rights they deserve as human which was a good step taken, Each and every human being deserves to be treated with respect, and dignity the sex should never be a priority.
In Pakistan the scenario has taken a different turnover the feminism that belongs here is partly working for the purpose of basic rights of a woman instead it is being used to bring an eccentric and a non Islamic culture among the people, a culture that asks for freedom that is totally HARAM! In Islamic laws Islam has provided women every basic right in the best possible way if women fails in getting those rights in the way Islam has told is not the fault of Islam but is the fault of the govt only and only govt should be criticized and not the religion there is no such thing as liberal culture this in my opinion is just a sore escape for the fragile people.

A sign board in the Orat March in Pakistan.

Are these sign boards actually asking for rights?

The basic thing which is to be understood is that Islam has brought us the best human right laws in the Holy Quran following those laws and regulations will always bring justice to every human man or women but instead we are following the western culture and asking for futile rights that does not even makes sense sat all.

These liberal calamitous women leading the feminists and social activists groups are totally misguiding the innocent women to a negative route of life and some of our illiterate nation is strongly supporting them and the only reason is that they lack faith and they are totally misguided a huge role in this act has been played by the internet a lot of young schools boys are being dominated by the internet and are slowly being converted to liberal culture the ease of hard-work and thirst for success has brought people to this terrace of life and they have lost the belief in the Almighty and are sneaking in this temporary world for success a success that is only for a few years.

May Allah (SWT) guide us all to the right path and make us among his strongest believers Ameen!

Hamza Durrani.


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